Forge ahead meaning in hindi
Forge ahead synonyms
propel accelerate storm promote speed achieve proceed launch drive dispatch elevate conquer skyrocket hasten quicken come forward gain ground get ahead go ahead move up bring forward continue ahead continue on get green light get there get with it go forth go forward go great guns go places go to town make headway make the scene move on move onward press on push ahead push on send forward step forward go on extend linger pursue reach stay remain maintain sustain survive last endure persevere project uphold ride outlast lengthen abide prolong stand loiter rest outlive draw out keep at keep up carry forward get on with it hang in keep on keep the ball rolling live on move ahead never cease perdure persist in run on stay on stick at stick to keep on truckin' pound patrol parade file traipse space boot tramp stomp strut promenade journey tread mount stride range stalk drill pound the pavement debouch hoof it move out step out shoot lunge travel dash edge cover ground get along keep going make strides restore revive rebound pick up grow increase bounce back overcome heal recuperate rejuvenate refresh better renew convalesce mend rally get over perk up pull through be out of woods come around feel oneself again get back on feet get better get in shape get out from under get well make a comeback return to form snap back sober up start anew take turn for better regain one's health regain one's strength front pioneer be the point man blaze the trail Forge ahead antonyms
hinder cease retard back down hesitate recede retreat retrogress decrease take back halt stop hold keep turn withdraw yield ignore discontinue condemn shorten reject refuse complete desist go leave depart quit abbreviate move end finish disorder wait stay decline deteriorate back up destroy worsen ruin weaken mislay wane hurt spend diminish lose kill miss Usage of Forge ahead in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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